Category: General Events

  • Semester Plan

    First off, please stop by our table at MinerRama on August 23 if you’d like to learn more about us. Our first meeting will be August 29 at 11 am at the Havener Center. We have reserved table 10 in the main atrium. Stop by, bring your lunch if you wish. On September 5 and…

  • Fall 2019: A New Plan

    We are changing the way Common Call operates starting this fall: Each Sunday after worship, each of the three churches will have an activity for college students who attend. At a minimum, a time of fellowship together. We will see how this evolves. Each Thursday at 11 am, we will gather at a table in…

  • Meeting Reminder

    Just a reminder that Common Call is meeting this Sunday, 2/24, at 6 pm to discuss “Social Justice.” I will have printed copies of the participants’ guide; if you want it ahead of time and don’t already have it, drop an email to [email protected]. If you already have a binder, please try to remember to…

  • Living the Questions: Call to Covenant

    This past Sunday’s session on the role of Biblical authority was an excellent introduction to the progressive way of thinking about Christianity that is the hallmark of Living the Questions. Starting on February 10, we will be using LtQ 2.0: Call to Covenant. This is an updated version of the program that I think will…

  • Interfaith Dialogue

    The Campus Ministries Association is sponsoring an Interfaith Dialogue on March 4 at 7 pm in Carver/Turner. It’s a great experience. Hope you can join us!

  • Living the Questions

    Just a reminder that we will be starting to study Living the Questions on January 27 at 6 pm at Christ Episcopal. To make a long story short, we will be using the original LtQ program. The first session is, “Invitation to Journey: The Role of Biblical Authority.” Attached please find a couple of readings:…

  • Spring 2019: Living the Questions

    For Spring 2019, our new program is Living the Questions. We will be focusing on our Call to Covenant. Join us on alternate Sundays, starting January 27, at 6 pm for dinner, a video, and discussion. Hope to see you there! Topics are: A Kingdom without Walls Social Justice: Realizing God’s Vision Incarnation: Divinely Human…

  • Peacemaker; Alpha

    We will be meeting Sunday, 9/23, at 6 pm as usual. The topic is, “Why Did Jesus Die?” If you missed any sessions and want to get caught up, go to ALSO, we will be hosting an international peacemaker, Rev. Nkumbuyinka Jerome Bizimana, from Rwanda. He will be speaking about peacemaking efforts after 800,000 Rwandans were…

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