Category: General Events

  • Holy Week Worship Services

    First Presbyterian Church is worshipping remotely on Palm Sunday, March 28. Check our YouTube channel for the service to be posted on Saturday. Then: Maundy Thursday (April 1): Gather at Veterans Memorial Park starting at 5:45 pm with a brown-bag supper; worship with communion begins at 6:30 pm Easter Sunday (April 4): worship in the…

  • Zoom again this week

    Although campus is open, let’s meet via Zoom so everyone can stay safe and warm. We will meet Thursday, February 18, at 11:30: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 915 9427 4748 Passcode: 927142 Actually, you can always participate via Zoom, so mostly what I’m saying is, I won’t be in the library! In case…


    Today, February 11, campus is closed. Therefore, we will NOT meet in person, but only on Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 915 9427 4748Passcode: 927142One tap mobile+13017158592,,91594274748# US (Washington DC)+13126266799,,91594274748# US (Chicago) As a reminder, you can always participate via Zoom. Our first meeting this semester had some audio issues, but they have been…

  • Encountering God – The Transfiguration

    This week we discuss Mark 9:2-9, where three of the disciples have a miraculous encounter. When or where have you encountered God?

  • Jesus Keeps Healing, So Should We

    This week’s lesson, Mark 1:29-39, is packed with action: healing, exorcism, and proclaiming the Gospel.

  • Video Posted for Discussion on January 21

    A brief worship service built around Mark 1:14-20. Please join us Thursday to discuss!

  • Fired Up! Starting This Week

    As mentioned in the previous post, this semester we are going to be worshiping together using Fired Up! It’s a new online ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Rolla. Worship videos will post Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. At our meetings, whether you’ve had a chance to watch it or not, you’re welcome to join…

  • Spring 2021 – The Pandemic Still Rages

    This spring, we will be working our way through the Gospel lessons in the lectionary. We will meet each Thursday at 11:30 a.m. to see how they apply to our lives today and determine how we can live out our discipleship. Join us in Library 202, if you feel comfortable with in-person gatherings. You can…

  • Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas! This has been quite a year and quite a semester, one unlike any other. I would like to share just a few thoughts with you. The start of a new year is often a time of reflection and planning. As the pandemic rages on, such reflection and planning takes on special meaning. Now…

  • NEW! Zoom Meetings

    Our weekly meetings will continue to be held in Library 202. However, I know some people are unable to attend physically, for a variety of reasons. So, we will also have Zoom meetings available during the same time, Thursdays at 12:30 pm: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 915 9427 4748Passcode: 927142One tap mobile+13017158592,,91594274748# US (Germantown)+13126266799,,91594274748#…