Category: General Events

  • Fall 2024 – Plans!

    Welcome back for Fall 2024! We had a great turnout at the Campus Ministries Association Murder Mystery! Our first meeting will be Thursday, August 22, at 5:30 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. We’ll start with dinner, get to know anyone new, and then discuss the weekly topic from The Wired Word. Our goal is to…

  • Murder Mystery 2024!

    Campus Ministries Association is holding their annual Murder Mystery event on Tuesday, August 23, at 6:30 pm. Check-in is right outside the library, and the event will be held on the quad between the library and the Puck. It’s like the game, Clue: visit stations hosted by all of the CMA ministries to figure out…

  • Upcoming Schedule, Spring 2023

    First, thanks to everyone who joined us at “What Is Progressive Christianity?” on March 1. If you missed it, please join us any Thursday to learn about it! Plus, you can look at the PowerPoint we went through. There will be NO MEETING on March 16, nor on March 30, due to spring recess (St.…

  • “What Is Progressive Christianity?” Scheduled for September 15

    Building off last year’s success, we will hold an information session on September 15 at 5 pm in the Turner room of the Havener Center. As we did in February, we’ll have snacks, a presentation about our approach to faith, and a discussion. (Note, this was originally scheduled for September 22 but moved due to…

  • Let’s Get Started!

    Welcome everyone to Fall 2022! Hope you had a good summer and are ready for a new semester! Our first meeting will be August 25, 5 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. We will share a meal (provided by Rev. Mary) and discuss this week’s article from The Wired Word. Please join our Discord server to…

  • Fall 2022 Planning

    This fall, we will continue our regular schedule from last semester. We will meet on Thursdays at 5 pm to share a meal provided by one of the sponsoring churches. We will discuss current events from a progressive Christian perspective, using The Wired Word as conversation starters. Mark your calendars! Our first meeting will be…

  • A Big Week!

    We have a big week coming up! Tomorrow, Friday, April 8, there is a campus-wide worship service at the Puck. Games & food at 4 pm, worship at 5 pm. Sunday is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week. Monday is the Interfaith Dialogue, sponsored by the Campus Ministries Association (of which we are a…

  • Zoom meeting tonight (2/17)

    It seems that bad weather always comes on Thursday. Since campus has closed, our meeting tonight will be on Zoom at 5:00 pm. Hope you can join us! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 852 1656 5349Passcode: 098858One tap mobile+13017158592,,85216565349#,,,,098858# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,85216565349#,,,,098858# US (Chicago)

  • Thanks for a great event!

    We had a great turnout for our event, “What Is Progressive Christianity?” We’re planning to do another similar event later in the semester. Meanwhile, a few things: The invite link for Discord was expired. Here’s a new one that will last: We welcome anyone who would like to join our community and seek God’s…

  • What Is Progressive Christianity? An Information Session

    Progressive Christianity emphasizes the Way and teachings of Jesus, and not merely His person, as we seek to build a more just, inclusive, and connected society. Come and learn more about this perspective at a free information session on February 10 at 5 pm in the Havener Center, St. Pat’s A. Our goal is not to…