Author: jonathan.kimball

  • How Can We Help?

    Last week, we talked about many issues confronting people who are “in the system,” that is, with a criminal record, just getting out of jail, etc. On Friday, Michele and Gideon met with some people in the community to discuss the challenges specific to Rolla. We’ll get a report from them and talk about next…

  • Topic of the Week: Criminal Justice

    We are working towards developing a common project or ministry or service that we can engage in. This week, Michele will share with us a few things about criminal justice reform that she is passionate about.

  • Topic of the Week: Immigration

    The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:34 Immigration is a highly controversial, and highly complex, issue. There are legal and illegal immigration; refugees,…

  • Topic of the Week: Doing Justice

    He has told you, O mortal, what is good;    and what does the Lord require of youbut to do justice, and to love kindness,    and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 If we are to love our neighbor, we must “do justice.” What does that mean? We will be discussing justice and injustice in modern American society.…

  • Topic of the Week: Loving Your Gay Neighbor

    This Thursday, October 10, our meeting (in the Havener atrium) will focus on LGBT+ issues and Christianity. As described in our statement of beliefs, Common Call seeks community that is inclusive of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Friday is National Coming Out Day, so this is a good week to talk…

  • Celebration of Nations

    First Presbyterian will have a booth at the Celebration of Nations tomorrow, September 28, 2019. Common Call will join them. Stop by to find out more about us!

  • Topic of the Week: Actively Loving Your Neighbor

    This week (September 26), we will be meeting back in the Havener Atrium to discuss ways to actively love our neighbors. It’s not enough to say you love someone in the abstract; we are called to service. We will talk about some organizations in Rolla and where we (individually or collectively) might fit into them.…

  • Theme: Loving Difficult or Unlovable People

    At our last meeting, we decided to use the theme of loving difficult people, or loving the unlovable, for the next part of the semester. “Love your neighbor” is a recurring Biblical theme; see for example Micah 6:8, Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:30-31 , Luke 10:25-37 , John 13:34-35 , 1 John 3:18 . One of…

  • Upcoming Meetings

    Thanks to everyone who joined us in the Havener Center yesterday! I think we had a great discussion about the Amazon wildfires, as well as lots of other environmental and social issues. Over the next few weeks, we will explore similar topics that are a little closer to home. As previously mentioned, the Havener Center…

  • Topic of the Week: Wildfires in the Amazon

    We will meet at 11 am on Thursday, August 29, in the Havener atrium (table 10) to discuss the recent wildfires in the Amazon. I’ll bring some snacks and my own lunch; feel free to bring yours. Look for our banner. Hope to see you there!