Author: jonathan.kimball

  • Celebrate Diversity and Tie-Dye a Mask!

    Join us Thursday, October 8, 12:30-2:00 in front of the library. We will be tie-dying masks. All supplies are provided, including masks, dye, and nitrile gloves. Just drop by whenever you get a chance. Common Call seeks to build a community that is inclusive of ALL people, including: Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, Believers and…

  • Fall 2020 – An Update

    We had a great first meeting! It was a little long because we had so much to cover, after being apart for the summer. A few notes: Kirsten is investigating T-shirts. Michele is reaching out to Spectrum. Our primary meeting activity will be discussing the Phoenix Affirmations. I don’t expect everyone to 100% agree with…

  • Fall 2020 – The Pandemic Continues

    Welcome everyone to Fall 2020! When I posted about COVID-19, I had no idea we would still be under such severe restrictions now. I hope everyone is doing OK, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This fall, we will be meeting in Library 202 at 12:30 pm on Thursdays. Given all of the restrictions, we won’t be…

  • COVID-19

    My apologies for being so late in posting this. There has been so much going on. First, let me say that I hope and pray all of you are doing well. As I write this, I (Jonathan Kimball, the advisor) am on self-quarantine with my son, Sam. Neither of us are sick, but he traveled…

  • Meeting Reminder; Interfaith Dialogue; Scavenger Hunt

    Hey all! First, a reminder that we are meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11 in 202 Library. I’ll admit that I haven’t been very productive lately, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t completed tasks. But now is a good time to re-center after the semester has gotten under way. Second, next Monday, March 2, is…

  • Spring 2020 Schedule

    We have settled on Tuesdays at 11 am. You may bring your lunch if you like. Sponsoring churches will bring snacks. We will meet in Library 202–reserved every Tuesday until May 5.

  • Welcome Back!

    Welcome back for Spring 2020! This semester, we will be meeting on Tuesdays at 11 am. Our first meeting will be on the first day of class, January 21, in the library, room 202. I’ll bring snacks. We will continue our work on developing a resource and/or outreach program to those recently released from Phelps…

  • Spring Planning; Interesting Article

    For Spring 2020, we need to determine a good time to meet, and could possibly change our location. If you would like your input considered, please enter your availability and preferences. Also, I received a gift subscription to The Christian Century, an excellent biweekly magazine. There was a recent article that pertains to topics we…

  • Wrapping Up the Semester

    We will meet this Thursday, December 5, at 11 am to wrap things up for the semester. (We may or may not meet during finals week.) At our last meeting, we discussed a variety of topics related to a flyer or packet we could distribute as inmates are released from jail: A map with important…

  • Meeting Reminder: Thursday at 11

    Just a reminder that we’re meeting Thursday at 11. We will be working on gathering resource information for those recently released from the county jail. 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered…