About Us

Who We Are

As Christians, we are bound by the Great Commandment: to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. CCCM seeks to understand how we, individually and collectively, can understand God’s will and show our love to the world. We are jointly sponsored by First Presbyterian Church of Rolla (PC(USA)) and Christ Episcopal Church. We meet at Christ Episcopal because of its proximity to campus.

What We Do

In addition to participating in worship and other activities at the sponsoring churches, CCCM meets weekly to discuss a topic that is in the news or on students’ minds. We approach the topic through the lens of progressive Christianity. Instead of seeking ultimate answers, we live into the questions and seek ways that we can contribute to transforming ourselves, our community, and our world. Empowered by the Holy Spirit who is present in these gatherings, we can go forth to make our little contribution to building God’s Kingdom.

What We Believe

CCCM is a progressive Christian ministry grounded in Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and Lutheran theologies. More on Progressive Christianity.

Progressive Christianity does not necessarily align with progressive politics, although there are some parallels. We are careful not to drift into a new orthodoxy (new answers), but instead to keep our focus on Christ and on a way of approaching the world (new ways of finding answers).

Isn’t Progressive Christianity Heretical?

Many people will proclaim progressive Christianity to be dangerous, heretical, and so forth. A quick web search will find many articles along those lines. We would be happy to discuss your concerns.

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