We have a big week coming up!

  • Tomorrow, Friday, April 8, there is a campus-wide worship service at the Puck. Games & food at 4 pm, worship at 5 pm.
  • Sunday is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week.
  • Monday is the Interfaith Dialogue, sponsored by the Campus Ministries Association (of which we are a part). April 11, 7 pm, Carver/Turner room. There will be food provided. Hope everyone can join us!
  • Next Thursday, April 14, is Maundy Thursday. No Common Call meeting. You are encouraged to attend service with one of the sponsoring churches:
    • Christ Episcopal will be meeting at 5 pm in the room where we normally meet to share a meal. Afterwards will be a foot-washing ceremony in the sanctuary, living out John 13.
    • First Presbyterian Church will be meeting at 5:30 pm at Veterans Memorial Park. Feel free to bring a meal, or not. We will celebrate communion as Jesus instituted.
  • Then of course there’s Easter!