Wrapping Up the Semester

We will meet this Thursday, December 5, at 11 am to wrap things up for the semester. (We may or may not meet during finals week.) At our last meeting, we discussed a variety of topics related to a flyer or packet we could distribute as inmates are released from jail:

  • A map with important businesses/services marked. Chamber of Commerce has a generic map, unmarked.
  • We are continuing to add to both places we know of to list, and services people might need. The list of places needs to be fleshed out with all of the services. We probably need to check with (at least some of) them to make sure it’s OK to list them.
  • A list of churches? We would need to check with each church to see if they are OK with being listed.
  • A “coupon book” with vouchers for free or reduced-fee services that might be appropriate: haircuts, clothing, etc.

Where we left it was, everyone was going to think about a formal plan and how they might fit into that plan. We’ll finalize the plan this week so that people can start working towards it over break and early in the spring. We will also decide on our meeting schedule for spring.

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