Theme: Loving Difficult or Unlovable People

At our last meeting, we decided to use the theme of loving difficult people, or loving the unlovable, for the next part of the semester. “Love your neighbor” is a recurring Biblical theme; see for example Micah 6:8, Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:30-31 , Luke 10:25-37 , John 13:34-35 , 1 John 3:18 . One of the Common Call flyers on campus says:

Love the sinner, hate the sin.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Also, Rev. Lou Ellen Hartley’s sermon today was directly relevant. You can listen to it here:

At our next couple meetings, Dr. Stuart Baur (who is leading in Dr. Jonathan Kimball’s absence) will lead a discussion around addiction. How do we understand addiction theologically? How do we love someone who is engaged in self-destructive behavior? How does understanding it as a disease vs. considering it to be a sin affect our relationships?